About the directors

Bertrand Bhikarry

The groups’ president is an entrepreneur, once a farmer and sometimes a fisherman.

Andrea Tuitt

The vice president is a retired banking executive

Azim Walters

The corporate secretary, who is by profession an attorney-at law, is also accredited as a golf cricket an soccer coach. With over 35 years of advocating for civil society causes Azim brings depth to the NGO.

Sabriyah Abdullah-Muhammad

An active businesswoman, Sabriyah also hold a BSc in environmental science

Kathleen Gremli-Brown

Currently engaged as a CPA in the Turks and Caicos Islands, Kathleen is a founder member of Environment Tobago

Haynes Cowie-Clarke

A retired game warden, Haynes has devoted is life to environmental stewardship.

Geoffrey Lewis

Has been on the ET Board of Directors for 16 years, has served 12 of those years in an executive position

Michael Latiff

Retired from a career with US Rail, Michael has returned to Trinidad and Tobago bring skills garnered in project management, process flow and

Sean McCoone

The youngest member of the directorial team