Guidance for writing for Environment Tobago
Purpose of Articles:
To stimulate thought,discussion and possibly action about issues relevant to protected areas, sustainable development, social and/or environmental matters in Tobago, Trinidad, the Caribbean or even further. The issue does not necessarily have to be topical. In fact it can stray a bit from the environmental discourse if it supports the main point.
Target Audience:
Articles can be targeted either to Tobago residents or the wider community, but authors should always assume that the reader is not an expert in environmental matters.
Articles should be serious, yet upbeat if that is an option. Should be provocative but not flippant or cynical. Given the medium is the Web, the author should be telling a story, not writing a technical report. The topic should be interesting enough to draw attention, thoughtful enough to motivate and serious enough to stimulate thought and debate.
Articles should preferably be less than three (3) pages long, single-spaced lines, and formatted in Sans Serif - in Arial or Verdana font.
Images and other media:
Any photograph contained in the article should be 72-96 dpi, and should be owned by the author. Other imagery: Should give credit. Citations: Always encouraged, and should be listed at the end of the article.
Articles should be submitted, in English, to the Office Admin: that is;
Terms and Conditions (fine print):
The editorial committee of Environment Tobago reserves the right to refuse submissions without notice.
Proposal writing
Calls for Proposals are a regular feature of NGO life. With over two decades of implementing grants we are credible agents in the eyes of funders. Proposals however require expertise. Is this you?
Environment Tobago encourages proposal writers. If you have a background in environmental science or any mix of agri-eco-socio-tourism and fancy testing our waters, please email us.